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Who's Pregnant?!

Amelia Baker Cole. Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved


Where do I begin? You must understand that my first pregnancy was supernatural. We had been married for eight years. I believed God and tried to get pregnant for five years. During the last three of those years, I was standing on and confessing God's Word on getting pregnant daily. I was taking the Word (confessing the scriptures concerning pregnancy) like medicine three times a day for three years before the pregnancy manifested supernaturally.

By this point, my first-born son was only two years old. After eight years of being unable to have children and the doctor wanting to put me on fertility drugs, whoever would have "thunk" (in my best Ebonics) that it was possible to get pregnant again and so soon! ONLY GOD!

If you read my last blog, you know I gained 100 pounds with that super pregnancy. Who cared? I was PREGNANT! I was happy, fat, and pregnant! After the pregnancy, the Lord had to minister to me about my poor eating habits and lack of exercise. I used to eat so much during lunch at work that I would go into the office, close the door, and lay my head down. One day, while laying my head at the desk, the Lord told me to get up and walk the stairs. So I did, walking all eleven flights. And that became my daily routine three or more times a day. So, I got real with exercising and started eating better. It took a couple of years, but I got my sexy back! I looked in the mirror, and I was fine as wine! I was happy to see this fit body again!

Then one day, while exercising at home, I noticed my belly button starting to stick out. That was odd, I thought because my belly button had always been an innie and not an outie. Next, I began having terrible indigestion. I thought it was nothing and would go away. Days later, it was still there and getting more persistent. It felt as if it was coming up in my throat. It was bad. So I called the nurse line. She asked me about my symptoms. I began telling her about the increasing indigestion in my throat. She began to ask me more questions. She said, are you pregnant? I said, oh no, ma'am. She said okay, you can try some Pepcid AC. It was a new drug at the time, becoming popular for relieving heartburn and acid indigestion. I said, oh, I got a sample pack in the mail just the other day. She said okay, try that, as long as you're not pregnant. I got off the phone and happily went to my mail table to get the Pepcid AC.

Immediately, the Holy Spirit said: Don't take that! I hesitated and began to ponder in my heart the words that I heard.

We lived in Atlanta during this time and attended a Word of Faith Church. I had a cousin also living there and attending the same church. I called to talk with her about this situation. After telling her what was happening, she said I should take a pregnancy test. I literally laughed out loud!

But wait a minute. Let me share why the hearty laughter. Do you remember that supernatural pregnancy a couple of years earlier? Well, after receiving a Rhema Word from the Lord that I was pregnant, I took pregnancy test after pregnancy test for four months that continued to come back negative. I should have stock in pregnancy test companies because I paid them well! As I explained this to my dear sweet cousin, I told her I was not wasting another dime on a pregnancy test. I told her she could waste her money on a pregnancy test if she wanted, but I would not. She lovingly said she would buy it. I believe I still owe her money to this day. Lol. She went to the pharmacy, purchased a pregnancy test, and brought it to me. I was a stay-at-home mom at this time. So, I was there awaiting her arrival.

Back then, you were supposed to wait till morning to take the test for the best sample results. It was a Friday night. So, after receiving the test from my cousin, I did not tell my husband. But I put it away until the following day.

The church we attended had Corporate Prayer on Saturday mornings. I let my husband attend that Saturday but stayed home with the baby. Once he left the house, I went to the restroom to perform the test. Being very familiar with pregnancy tests, I did not take the time to read the instructions. Why should I? It's either positive or negative, plus or minus, right? Simple. After all, I had stock in the company. So, I sat on the toilet and did my do. Afterward, I set the test aside to wait for the results. Immediately, I saw the blue negative symbol begin to appear. And I thought, told you. I knew I wasn't pregnant.

Meanwhile, while sitting there, I guess I'll read the instructions. In reading the instructions, I noticed a lot of the same jargon that pregnancy test includes, such as using your first-morning pee, peeing directly on the stick, etc. Next, it tells you how to read the results. Okay, here it comes. Positive or negative. NOPE! To my surprise, it says negative or equal. I'm thinking, WHAT?! It shocked me! My insides jump as I turn to look at the test results again and see the second blue line appearing boldly to clearly show an equal (not negative) sign and denotes pregnancy.

I fell on the floor and began to weep. Remember that last supernatural pregnancy? It was also the most painful and challenging thing I had ever experienced in my life. I was in the hospital for two weeks trying to give birth and dealing with that generational curse of high blood pressure that I told you about in my last blog post (you can read it here. The supernatural delivery which I was declaring was what I did not receive during that supernatural pregnancy. Well, not on my terms anyway. But God! He immediately told me to get up off the floor and get my act together. I was to start my supernatural delivery confessions using the scripture again.

What was a blessing from my first supernatural pregnancy was that my doctor knew my heart's desire for natural childbirth. So, he performed a reasonably new procedure at that time of the bikini line cut for the c-section. Therefore, I did not have to be gutted up and down like a fish (like my sisters) with no hopes of any natural childbirth in the future. For that, I was grateful and knew that I could still have a natural childbirth.

After pulling out the confession book I had created for my first supernatural pregnancy and making those confessions, I asked the Lord, how will I share this with my husband?

I knew that I had to start with a hearty home cook breakfast. You see, my husband loves to eat. He can eat you under the table and not gain a pound. So, I made pancakes, eggs, bacon, and oatmeal. When he arrived home from Corporate Prayer, he came into the house and smelled breakfast. He came into the kitchen where I was fixing his plate. He fell to his knees, grabbed me around the legs, and said thank you! He says I was praying for pancakes when I was in prayer. I knew then that the Lord (and my husband) had a sense of humor. God was preparing his heart.

He sat down at the table, and I brought him his plate. As he ate, I sat beside him and pulled out the pregnancy test box. I said, "Do you know what this is?" He looked in surprise. Then, I pulled out the positive test results on the stick and said, "Do you know what this means?" His mouth dropped, his eyes got big, and he said, "Oh, Lord." Then he dropped his head onto the table. His emotions were running wild. He was confused, thinking, how could this be? He was shocked, surprised, and filled with joy all at the same time.

My favorite second-born son, my Baby, Jonathan Cole, was born supernaturally with no epidural the following year at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, GA. I'll never forget the day I found out I was pregnant and the look of joy "and surprise" on his Dad's face when I shared it with him!

To summarize, when the doctors said, No, not possible, you need fertility drugs, God said Yes, because, with Him, All things are possible, not once but twice!! God blessed my womb with two boys! And if you are believing God for a child, know that God is not a respecter of person, only a respecter of faith. If He did it for me, He will do it for you! God spoke clearly to me about the second pregnancy, saying that Jonathan was my Eph. 3:20 child.

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him Who, by consequence of the action of His power that is at work within us, is able to carry out His purpose and do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams— (Amplified)

To this day, God has not disappointed. Jonathan is truly our "over and above all that we dare ask or think" child!

J. Cole: We are proud of YOU!! But You are still Momma's Baby! Now, wash that dirt off your face because I know you don't have a full beard! Lord, help. They grow up too fast.

Lady Amelia,

APMM Co-Founder & Executive Director


*Please note: Love doesn't abuse. APMM does not condone any form of abuse (physically or emotionally). Please do not distort any of our teachings to justify abuse. If you are in an abusive situation, get out immediately and contact the authorities.

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